The Brain Speaks

quarta-feira, 14 de maio de 2008

The Brain Speaks

Dora Franco, B.Sc., D.O., BI-D ( ) completed the Course The Brain Speaks. This Course explores the potential for communicating with a person's brain - namely its subdivisions, structural components and individual neurons. It is a candid and in-depth exploration into the possibilities that may be achieved by tapping into the collective consciousness of an organ or tissue using imagery and dialogue.

This advanced course, developed for highly skilled therapists, included lecture, demonstration and hands-on practice.

During the Course, the therapists received detailed lectures on neuroanatomy, physiology and biochemical processes of neurological function; they were then further guided into imagery and dialogue with specific brain and spinal cord parts and their dysfunctional units and trained to obtain information from the central nervous system parts and functional units that relate to the individual's present health and vitality, stresses, past injuries or physiological conditions that may be suboptimal.

B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science in Medicine
D.O. – Doctor in Osteopathy
BI-D – Barral Institute Diplomate Certification